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Shadows and Sun: The Factions of The World of 4EverMore

Shadows and Sun: The Factions of The World of 4EverMore

Shadows and Sun: The Factions of The World of 4EverMore

The DayWalkers:

The DayWalkers, those dazzling and powerful immortals born to exist under both the sun and moon, live primarily in the City of DayWalkers (Eclipsora). As guardians of the realm, they maintain the delicate balance between all immortals, and their powers of light and darkness give them a unique role among the factions. They do not mix their bloodline with vampires, and any attempt to even form an alliance with them is met with severe consequences. The fear? Vampirism spreading like wildfire, and potentially causing a massive downfall of the realm. The DayWalkers stand as protectors against the forces of darkness and chaos, and they’ll fight to keep their people, and 4EverMore, safe from the corruption of the NightStalkers.

Daywalkers Drak'irath dragon shapeshifters

However, in rare and forbidden instances—usually steeped in tragic romance and power struggles—there have been whispers of forbidden love between the DayWalkers and Vampires. These affairs are often short-lived and incredibly dangerous, as the DayWalkers would risk turning into vampires, condemning themselves to eternal damnation within Nocturna, the City of NightStalkers. No one dares to venture into Nocturna unless they’re willing to never come out. The realm holds its breath at these love stories, unsure whether to revere them as true love or fear them as a catalyst for chaos.

DayWalkers, as guardians, maintain control over their Watchmen and Bounty Hunters, often turning to these mercenary groups when the need for justice, or revenge, arises.

Vampires and NightStalkers the world of 4EverMore

The Vampires (NightStalkers):

The NightStalkers, or vampires, live primarily in Nocturna, their shadow-drenched city of eternal night. However, unlike I previously mentioned, they can and do leave Nocturna. These creatures of the night often venture beyond the borders of their cursed city, heading into the Outer World—the mortal realm. There, they hunt for prey, feeding off the mortal population or seeking out other sources of dark power. They’re notorious for their ability to move between realms, using their ability to blend into the shadows and the veil of secrecy that surrounds them to remain undetected.

That said, Nocturna still remains their home base, a place where they are bound by their own twisted laws. Any who stay too long outside of Nocturna risk weakening their powers, but that doesn’t stop the most powerful vampires from taking trips to the mortal world to sate their thirst. The NightStalkers operate in the Outer World under a strict code—kill and move on, never leaving behind any evidence of their true nature. These vampires have learned to blend in seamlessly with mortal society, and their hunts are legendary.

Bounty Hunters in The World of 4EverMore

The Bounty Hunters (DayWalkers Elite):

The Bounty Hunters are the elite of the elite, DayWalkers who have undergone extensive training and are the guardians of 4EverMore’s balance. They are the highest trained warriors and trackers, and their role is to hunt down rogue vampires, criminals, and anyone who threatens the delicate order of the realm. Unlike the mercenary-style bounty hunters, these warriors are part of the DayWalker hierarchy. They answer only to the DayWalker leaders and their code, which is deeply rooted in protecting the realm.

These DayWalker Bounty Hunters are not simply mercenaries out for gold—they have a higher calling. They are trained to uphold the laws of the immortals, often going on missions that require them to battle dangerous foes, uncover hidden conspiracies, and maintain order. Some are even given the ability to track down the most elusive vampires who dare to enter 4EverMore’s borders. They are the best—and anyone who crosses paths with them quickly learns that the DayWalker Bounty Hunters are the last ones you want on your tail.

The Witches (Witches of Westbrook, Dark Witches of Ebonveil, and the Red Witches):

The Witches each have their distinct place in 4EverMore. The Witches of Westbrook are the protectors, the keepers of peace and balance, while the Dark Witches of Ebonveil are known for their more chaotic magic, which is often fueled by darker intentions. The Red Witches, passionate and powerful, walk a fine line between light and dark magic, but their ties to ancient, forbidden magics give them a power that others fear.

Though the DayWalkers do not marry witches (it’s considered less forbidden but still delicate), many DayWalkers often find themselves working with witches, whether they’re healing potions, casting spells, or consulting them on matters of magic. Some witches, particularly from Westbrook, ally with the DayWalkers to maintain order in the realm, as the witches see them as a necessary force of protection against the greater dangers of 4EverMore.

The Gypsies:

The Gypsies are wanderers of 4EverMore, known for their deep connection to the land and time itself. They do not live in any one city but roam between the Summerland, City of Shadows, and the City of DreamWalkers, serving as keepers of ancient knowledge, wisdom, and oracles. The Gypsies often act as advisors, mystics, and magicians, but their loyalty is their own. They hold the power to peer into the future, read the threads of destiny, and manipulate time itself, making them invaluable but dangerous allies.

Although they often work with DayWalkers or even witches, the Gypsies do not align themselves fully with any faction. Their greatest power comes from their ability to remain elusive, and they are often the ones who predict the turning tides of fate, much to the chagrin of the other factions.

The DreamWalkers:

DreamWalkers exist in a surreal, ever-shifting reality where dreams and consciousness collide. They inhabit their own city, the City of DreamWalkers, where they guide and protect the dream realms from invaders. They are the seers, the keepers of prophecy, and the makers of fate. DreamWalkers are not the typical fighters, but they possess the rare ability to enter and manipulate dreams, leaving behind dreams made flesh—prophecies, nightmares, and glimpses of the future.

Though DreamWalkers are not inherently aligned with any faction, they have been known to offer their wisdom to those in need. Their presence, though subtle, is often the deciding factor in battles, as they can shift the tides of fate with a single dream.

Factions Interacting:

The DayWalkers are always keeping an eye on the NightStalkers, and while they have their own rules and duties to uphold, they do not tolerate the vampires’ interference with the realm. The forbidden love between DayWalkers and Vampires is the stuff of tragic legends, with anyone caught in this web facing dire consequences.

The Gypsies and Witches often serve as wild cards, changing allegiances and acting as power brokers behind the scenes.

The Red Witches and Dark Witches do not trust each other, but both factions are powerful enough to cause chaos if they wish to, often pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in the realm.

The DreamWalkers, with their ability to manipulate fate and destiny, are often called upon by the DayWalkers to aid in crucial moments, though their true motives remain a mystery.

In addition to the DayWalkers, Vampires, and other factions, 4EverMore is home to the mighty Drak'irath, a race of shapeshifting dragons who have long guarded the realm. 

These dragon clans boast different bloodlines, each with unique abilities and a deep connection to the elements—fire, ice, earth, and storm. The Drak'irath have been both allies and rivals to the immortals, often keeping to their own ancient traditions but never shying away from the occasional battle for power or territory. 

Nordic Elven tribes and kingdoms

In the north, beyond the cities of eternal twilight and shadows, lie the Nordic Elven tribes and kingdoms, a hardy and ancient people who endure the winter's grasp all year long. These northern elves, fierce and resilient, have come and gone through the ages, their once-mighty kingdoms falling to time's passage and the shifting tides of fate. 

Yet, even as some fall, new clans rise in the wake of old glory, carving out new legacies in the snow and ice. These northern elves are just one of many elven bloodlines scattered across 4EverMore, with others in the realms of light, forest, and desert—each with its own culture, traditions, and struggles to preserve their place in the ever-evolving world.

In addition to the Drak'irath shapeshifting dragons, every major faction in 4EverMore is also protected by majestic, powerful dragons—creatures of awe-inspiring beauty and strength that are not shapeshifters, but pure dragons bound to their respective realms. 

These dragons are revered guardians, each bound by an ancient pact to protect their cities, factions, and the people they are sworn to. The DayWalkers have their own dragon riders, bonded to dragons of light and radiant fire, who soar through the skies of Eclipsora and The Red City, keeping thecities safer from the darkness that lurks beyond. 

The NightStalkers have their own dark, sleek dragons, whose scales shimmer like the shadows themselves, guarding the city of Nocturna and the secrets within. 

The Witches—whether from Westbrook, Ebonveil, or the Red Witches—each have dragons of their own, varying in color and temperament, but all equally formidable, each bound to the magic and ancient rites that fuel their power. 

Even the Gypsies, DreamWalkers, Eleven Clans, and all Nordic tribes often seen as neutral in many matters, have dragons fire breathing, immense  prophetic power, and time-altering abilities, watching over them as they roam the realms. 

These dragons are a force in their own right, often battling alongside their faction's warriors and offering protection in times of war, magic, and strife. No matter the faction, these dragons are living symbols of power, fiercely loyal to those they protect, and essential to maintaining the balance of 4EverMore.